dialogId("pra-m-pravidla", "font_small", "You know the rules already. Now you can practice them. We will give you some hints occasionally.")
dialogId("pra-v-klesnout", "font_big", "I must not swim down now. And I cannot go up, either.")
dialogId("pra-v-nahore", "font_big", "Hey, arrange it up there somehow. But be careful!")
dialogId("pra-m-nepohnu", "font_small", "I can`t move this. This is steel.")
dialogId("pra-m-zpatky", "font_small", "Come back, you can`t go further!")
dialogId("pra-v-zapeklita", "font_big", "Hmm... This is tricky. If we push aside the honey, we will be smashed by that can of apricot jam.")
dialogId("pra-m-vyrazit", "font_small", "Couldn`t we push it aside with that axe?")
dialogId("pra-v-dobrynapad", "font_big", "That`s a good idea.")
dialogId("pra-m-chytit", "font_small", "Now I cannot take the axe. The can is in the way.")
dialogId("pra-v-vzit", "font_big", "You mustn`t push the axe!")
dialogId("pra-m-prisun", "font_small", "If you can push that can to me, I`ll shove the axe on it and everything will be okay.")
dialogId("pra-v-problem", "font_big", "If you solve some specific part you can save the position.")
dialogId("pra-m-reseni", "font_small", "But only if you are sure of your solution.")
dialogId("pra-v-ukladani", "font_big", "Remember what we have said about saving positions.")
dialogId("pra-m-uvazovat", "font_small", "I shouldn`t be thinking about this.")
dialogId("pra-v-spatne", "font_big", "This looks real bad. You are going to have to restart the level.")
dialogId("pra-m-pustis", "font_small", "If you drop that and I stay here, I will never get out.")
dialogId("pra-v-zavazis", "font_big", "You are standing in my way there. Try to hide somewhere else.")
dialogId("pra-m-strach", "font_small", "Here? I`m little bit afraid. Will I get out?")
dialogId("pra-v-prekvapit", "font_big", "Just wait and see.")
dialogId("pra-m-kniha", "font_small", "We will give you a hint here, player. You have to put that book over there, to the left.")
dialogId("pra-v-valec", "font_big", "So that it will catch that steel cylinder when I push it.")
dialogId("pra-m-jakudelat", "font_small", "But we will not tell you how to do it.")
dialogId("pra-v-nezapomen", "font_big", "Just remember that although we cannot push objects along each other`s back, we can push them down or onto some solid structure.")
dialogId("pra-v-objet", "font_big", "What if I go the upper way?")
dialogId("pra-m-neradit", "font_small", "Shhhh. That`s too many hints.")
dialogId("pra-m-stava", "font_small", "Things like that happen sometimes.")
dialogId("pra-v-dopredu", "font_big", "Sometimes you have to think faaar ahead.")
dialogId("pra-m-restart", "font_small", "And often you have to restart the level then.")
dialogId("pra-v-schvalne", "font_big", "We admit that we did this on purpose.")
dialogId("pra-m-znovu", "font_small", "So that you could try it again - this time without any hints.")